4-Steps To Better Advertising ROI

Paying for advertising can be expensive and whether the ad makes money or doesn’t, the cost is still the same. So, it makes sense to leverage our advertising by getting the best possible return on investment (ROI) that we can. In this article (or you can watch the video below) I’ll go over 4 things any local business can do to get a bigger payout from paid advertising.

Step 1 – Get Attention

Is it really who yells the loudest that wins? I would argue not. But, if you pay attention to most ads running nowadays, they can be pretty annoying. This is because most businesses and agencies feel that whoever yells the loudest gets the attention.

Some years ago, that may have been true, but it’s been proven that the majority of people turn down the volume, leave the room, or simply do not pay attention to those ads.

Today people have more access to information than at any point in history, when they have a question or a problem, the majority will turn to an internet search. With this in mind, it makes sense that by offering information that will answer their questions will be most compelling to them. Now that they’ve engaged with you, it’s time to make some sort of an offer.

Step 2 – Go for the lead

Approximately 95% of people who visit your website are NOT ready to buy.

This percentage holds true when selling most anything whether it’s digitally or not. At any one time, there will only be 3%-5% of the marketplace that is ready to make a purchase.

By going for the lead, you will not only still get the 3%-5% of right now buyers, but you’ll also attract the 95%-97% of people who are not ready to buy today but likely will buy in the near future.

Step 3 – Make a pitch

Pitching them the old, call us and we’ll help you offer.

People are interested in what you sell because they are looking for some sort of result in their lives. Pitching them immediately with ‘Hey Call Us’ doesn’t provide them any value, nor does it let them figure out if they like you.

Know, like, and trust

Before the majority of people will even consider buying from you they need to first, know who you are, second – like you or your business, third, trust that you can and will give them the result they’re looking for.

Think about the way you buy, I’ll bet it’s mainly from people or companies you have at least a little faith will follow through and treat you right. That’s why asking someone to call now on their first exposure is typically an ad that does not produce a positive ROI.

Step 4 – Follow-up

Follow-up is key with this approach. And, follow up all depends on what it is you sell and your sales process. 

Typically, engaging people where they are works. If they’ve consumed some of your information online and come in as a lead, sending them more relevant information and while doing so, making the offer for them to take the next step with you is best.

It takes anywhere from 8-12 follow-up contacts before the average consumer is ready to buy. Getting the lead and proactively following up with them puts you in control. 

Studies show most salespeople and companies don’t follow up past one time. With technology the way it is today, it’s pretty easy to put people into an automated follow-up sequence. We like autoresponders for this, it’s mostly a set it and forget it process that notifies you when someone is getting close to ready to buy. 

Of course, mail and follow-up calls can also boost sales significantly, I’m not suggesting you only do email follow-ups, but if all you do is email, you’ll be ahead of the majority of your competitors. 

Removing friction from the sales process

The fact is, most people are hesitant to call a business immediately because they know there is some saber-toothed salesman on the other end waiting to sink their teeth into them. 

While that’s obviously an exaggeration, the premise is true. Asking for a lead is easier to say okay too, and once they do, you have the power of follow-up to get them to buy. 99% of the time when businesses want more sales, implementing a follow-up system is the fastest, easiest way to generate more sales quickly.